By using this Website (the “The Perfect Derma Website”) you, the user or The Perfect Derma Authorised Reseller, as the case may be (“you”), are agreeing to be bound by the current version of the terms of use provided herein.

您对本网站(The Perfect Derma Website)使用的条款与条件、我们的客户协议,以及任何通告、免责声明及在本网站(The Perfect Derma Website)包含的其他条款和条件(统称为条款和条件)所约束。您在使用本网站(The Perfect Derma Website)时,表示您已经同意并接受我们的条款和条件。若您不同意本条款或您所在的司法管辖区不认可本条款,请勿使用本网站或者提供任何内容或个人信息。

Use of Material

All materials included on the The Perfect Derma Website are protected by copyright, trademark and other laws and are the property of 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. , unless otherwise noted. Unauthorized use of such materials may violate copyright, trademark and other laws. You may download and print portions of the materials for non-commercial and informational use. Copies that you make of the material must bear any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices located on the The Perfect Derma Website, which pertain to the material being copied. Any other sale, modification, reproduction, re-distribution, publication or re-transmission of any information from the The Perfect Derma Website, in whole or in part without the prior written permission of 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. is prohibited.


The Perfect Derma网站上包含的所有材料均受版权、商标和其他法律的保护,并且是 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 的财产。除非另有说明。未经授权使用这些材料可能会违反版权、商标和其他法律。您可以下载和打印部分材料,用于非商业和信息用途。您制作的材料的副本必须具有The Perfect Derma网站上与复制的材料有关的任何版权,商标或其他所有权声明。未经 1PCT Daily Management Sdn Bhd 事先书面许可,您不得销售或修改、复制、再分发、出版或重新传输The Perfect Derma网站上的讯息。


The information and services published on The Perfect Derma Website may contain typographical errors or technical inaccuracies. Information may be changed or updated without notice. 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. may also make improvements in and/or changes to the information described in the The Perfect Derma Website at any time without notice. 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the The Perfect Derma Website.

Information on the The Perfect Derma Website is provided “AS IS” without warranties of any kind either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement or title. 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. Makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completeness of any material on or accessible through the The Perfect Derma Website. Any reliance on or use of such material shall be at your sole risk. 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. Makes no representation or warranty that the The Perfect Derma Website will be available on a timely basis or will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that the The Perfect Derma Website or the servers hosting such website are free of viruses or other harmful components. You agree that any risks arising from your acquisition (including downloading) of any content are entirely borne by you, and you will bear any infringement, breach of contract, consequences or damages arising therefrom, including (but not limited to) your Damage to the computer system or loss of data.

1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. assumes no liability for any damage whatsoever, including without limitation, indirect, special, consequential, punitive, or incidental damages of any kind, lost profits, loss of programs or other data or otherwise, whether brought in contract or tort, arising out of or connected with the use or inability to use the The Perfect Derma Website or the use, reliance upon or performance of any material contained in or accessed from the The Perfect Derma Website, even if 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. is expressely advised of the possibility of such damages.


The Perfect Derma网站上发布的信息和服务可能包含印刷错误或技术错误。信息可能会更改或更新,恕不另行通知。 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 也可能随时改进和/或更改The Perfect Derma网站中描述的信息,恕不另行通知。 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 对The Perfect Derma网站中的任何错误或遗漏概不负责。

The Perfect Derma网站上的信息按“现状”提供,且不附带任何明示或默示保证、条件或义务,包括但不限于对适销性、特定用途适用性、非侵权或所有权的任何保证或条件。 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd.对The Perfect Derma网站上或可通过其访问的任何材料的准确性、可靠性、及时性或完整性不作任何陈述或保证。对此类材料的任何依赖或使用均由您自担风险。 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 不作任何陈述或保证: The Perfect Derma网站将及时可用、不间断或无错误,缺陷将得到纠正、The Perfect Derma网站或托管该网站的服务器不包含以下内容:病毒或其他有害成分。您同意,您获得(包括下载)任何内容时所产生的任何风险完全由您自行承担,并且您将自行承担由此产生的任何侵权、违约、后果或损害,包括(但不限于)对您的计算机系统的损害或数据丢失。

1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 对任何损害不承担任何责任,包括但不限于因合同或侵权引起的任何形式的间接损害、特殊损害、后果性、惩罚性或附带性的损害、利润损失、程序或其他数据损失、其他使用或无法使用The Perfect Derma网站的内容或与之有关。

Consumer Disclosure

If you are a consumer purchasing products or services online from The Perfect Derma Website for personal, family, or household purposes, you may have additional rights pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations pertaining to digital signatures and completion and authentication of electronic contracts. Please read the following disclosure carefully. It describes your rights to elect to contract electronically with us.

By ordering products online from 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd., (1) you agree and consent to (i) contract electronically with us for the products and services you have requested in accordance to this Agreement and (2) you understand that you are entering into a legal agreement and you intedn to be legally bound by this Agreement. You may also request to receive a copy of this Agreement in writing from 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. free of charge within thirty (30) days after you have entered into this Agreement with 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd.

If you do not consent to the above, please cancel your request, and by so doing you will not be able to complete your online transaction.


如果您是出于个人,家庭或家庭目的从The Perfect Derma网站在线购买产品或服务的消费者,请仔细阅读以下内容。它描述了您选择与我们进行电子合同的权利。

通过从 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 在线订购产品,(1)您同意(i)与我们以电子方式签订根据本协议要求的产品和服务的合同,并且(2)您了解您正在订立法律协议,并且您打算受本协议的法律约束。您也可以要求 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 以书面形式收到本协议的副本。


Return and Refund Policy

We aim to ensure that Orders are correctly fulfilled. Kindly check through the parcel immediately after you have received. Should there be any discrepancy of Products from delivered and the Customer wishes for return and refund, please notify us via Facebook at within five (5) days upon receiving the Products. Otherwise, we have the rights to decline your request on return and refund. We do not allow return and exchange for different Product. 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to update or change the refund and return policy from time to time.


我们的目标是向您提供100%满意度保障。当您签收包裹时,您应立即检查货物。如果出于任何原因,您对货物不满意,可以在收到 产品5天之内履行退货的权利*。您必须自收到包裹后五(5)天内将退货产品运回供应商。任何退货问题,请通知我们的客户服务 。否则,我们有权利拒绝您要求的索赔。非常抱歉,我们不允许退回某件产品更换其它产品。1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 保留不时更新或更改退货政策的权利。


Return and Refund Requirement

We will check through the Product after the return. Return of Products and refund is only allowed if all of the following requirements are met:

  • Reasons of return and refund:

1. If the wrong Product which is different from the Order is delivered
2. If the amount of Product received is less than what have been ordered
3. If any Product has been delivered in a damaged or defective condition
4. If the Customer does not receive the Product within 60 working days from the date of payment is made.

  • All returned items must be in their original condition; shrink-wrapped products must be unopened.
  • Should the Order involve different Products, all of the Products have to be shipped back to us at once. We reserve the right to refuse any exchange or returns requests if the requirement(s) is not fulfilled.

If the requirements are met, we shall proceed for refund the amount paid for the Product. Shipping charges are non-refundable. The Customer can choose the courier service he/she prefers and will pay the full amount for the shipping charges during the return process. The company will not be responsible if the shipment is lost or damaged during the return transit.



  • 可退换情况:错误的货物、缺少的货物、破损的货物、超过60工作天仍未收到货物
  • 货物必须未经使用,带有标签的完整原始包装,且必须和收到该货物时一样是全新状态
  • 退回的货物一次性寄回给卖方。 单次订单中退回的货物分多次寄回时,卖方有权拒绝接收。

退货时,您可自由选择货运代理商配送包裹;退货费用由您自己承担。1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 不承担退货运送期间丢失任何物品的责任。

Cancellation of Order

1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. has the right to cancel your order at any time due to unforeseen reasons. We will notify you if the order is being cancelled and refund you fully for the products and shipping charges. Once you have received the order confirmation email, you are not allowed to cancel the order. Should you have inquiries, do not hesitate to contact our customer service on Facebook


1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 在任何情况下均有权取消任何产品的订单。若我们取消您的订单,我们会通知您并退还您已经支付的任何款项。 一旦订单确认书发出后,您不能取消此订单。如果您想寻求进一步的资料或帮助,请联系我们的客户服务

Delivery Policy

1. When will I receive my order?Our delivery lead time is 2 – 3 working days* after payment is confirmed. If the order and payment was made on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the delivery will be on the subsequent Monday or Tuesday.
2. WM: 5 – 12 working days*#EM: 18 – 22 working days*(only applicable for Poslaju**)
3. *Working days do not include public holidays.**Due to the effect of Covid-19, flight schedules to East Malaysia could be disrupted and might cause the delivery to East Malaysia to be delayed.#Delivery within Peninsular Malaysia may be affected due to CMCO announced by the government in view of the pandemic. *** 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to update or change the delivery policy from time to time.
4. How much is the delivery fee?West Malaysia : RM 8.00East Malaysia : RM 12.00
5. Do you ship internationally?Kindly contact our customer service via Facebook for more information regarding this issue.


1. 我何时会收到我的订单?我们的发货时间是下单后的2 – 3工作天*。如果星期五、六、日下的订单,我们会在星期一或二发货。
2. 西马:5 – 12工作天*#东马:18 – 22工作天* (只限Poslaju**)
3. *工作天是不包括假期和周末**由于新冠疫情关系,前往东马的航班安排会不时出现调整而影响运输方面的延迟#西马的包裹运输也会因政府所实行的CMCO而有所延误*** 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 保留不时更新或更改交货政策的权利。
4. 送货运费是多少?西马:RM8.00东马:RM12.00​
5. 马来西亚以外的地区有运送吗?请联系我们的客户服务

Privacy Policy

1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of information we may collect from you. To this end, we are committed to using our best effort to respect your privacy. Here is how we handle information we learn about you from your visit to the The Perfect Derma Website.

The Ways We Use Information

We received and store information you enter on The Perfect Derma Website or give us in any way. We use such information, including your name, and e-mail address, for several purposes:

  • To process, fulfill and notify you of your product order status; and
  • To send you the latest information about our company, events and product specials.

Financial Information

We use your financial information, such as account or credit card number, ONLY for billing purposes.


The Perfect Derma deposits certain bits of information called “cookies” in a visitor’s web browser software. Cookies are sent back only to the The Perfect Derma Website that deposited them when a visitor returns to that site. Cookies can tell us how and when pages in a The Perfect Derma Website are visited and by how many people. We use cookies:

  • To keep track of your shopping cart status
  • To allow you to use all password-protected services in a single session without having to re-enter your password; AND
  • To track your site of origin for the follow-me feature.

Links to Other Websites

As a resource to our visitors we provide links to other Websites, which we believe are useful and meet our high standards. However, 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. is not responsible for the contents of such linked Websites. In particular, 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. is not responsible for the privacy notices or practices provided in such linked Websites.

Third Parties

We are not in the business of selling your personal information to third parties.


The consent you have provided herein to the use of your personal information by 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. or its affiliates, shall also extend to any person or corporation to which 1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. may transfer its business, provided that such personal information is used for the same purposes.


1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 意识到保护我们从您那里收集的信息隐私的重要性。为此,我们致力于尽最大努力尊重您的隐私。这是我们处理通过您访问The Perfect Derma网站而获得的有关您的信息的方式。


我们收到并存储您在The Perfect Derma网站上输入或以任何方式提供给我们的信息。我们将此类信息(包括您的姓名和电子邮件地址)用于多种目的:

  • 处理,履行并通知您产品订单状态;和
  • 向您发送有关我们公司、活动和产品特价的最新信息。




The Perfect Derma网站在访问者的网络浏览器软件中存储了称为“ cookies”的某些信息。 Cookies仅被发送回The Perfect Derma网站。The Perfect Derma网站中的页面访问方式和访问时间以及访问量将被储存。Cookies的用途:

  • 跟踪您的购物车状态
  • 允许您在单个会话中使用所有受密码保护的服务,而不必重新输入密码;和
  • 跟踪“跟随我”功能的来源站点


作为访问者的资源,我们提供了指向其他网站的链接,我们认为这些链接有用且符合我们的高标准。但是,1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 对此类链接网站的内容概不负责,1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 对此类链接网站中提供的隐私声明或做法一概不负责。




您在此表示同意1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 或其附属公司使用您的个人信息。1PCT Daily Management Sdn. Bhd. 所属的任何个人或公司可以转让其业务,但前提是这些个人信息用于相同目的。